...It's so dark in here...
Come on, you have to help me out here.
Click on the interactive texts (blue texts) below to continue.(set:$photo to false)(set:$key to false)(set:$used to false)(set:$opened to false)
[[Where am I?]]
I'm lying on a bed. It's pretty soft and comfy.
There is a curtain behind me here. Let's see...
[[Open the curtain]]
[[Leave it]]<script>
window.audio_background = new Audio('./rain.mp3');
audio_background.loop = true;
I have no idea...
My head hurts so much, I don't really remember...
[[Is this place safe?]]<img src="./city.png">
Beautiful city view.
I'm on seventh or eighth floor ish... The windows are locked.
[[Look around the room]]
It's really dark. I can't see much.
If I go back to sleep, maybe my headache will go away. And maybe I will remember something.
Should I go back to sleep?
[[Yes. Zzzzzzzz ->start]]
[[No->tired]]<img src="./room.png">
This...looks like a normal bedroom.
What's going on? Why don't I recognize this place?
This is not my bedroom, right?
So why I am in here...
This is just bizarre.
[[Check the wardrobe]]
[[Check the bed]]
[[Check the door]]
[[Check the carpet]]
[[Check the desk]]
Ok, I'll try something else.
Let me follow this wall...
Uh, there is a door, but it's locked.
Here, I think this is a light switch.
[[Press the switch]]
Ok, I can see now.
[[Look around the room]]
The wardrobe is full of old man's clothes.
They seem to fit me.
If I feel cold or something, I guess I can come back and put some clothes on.
[[Search further]]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
This is the bed that I was lying on.
[[Take a nap. Zzzzzzzz.->start]]
[[Search below the pillow]]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
The door is locked.
(if:$key is true)[ [[Try the key]]]
[[Look around the door]]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
It's a nice looking carpet.
[[Search beneath the carpet]]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
There is a mirron on the desk.
(if:$photo is true)[Hey, I look like the man in the family photo that I found in the wardobe!
That is my family? But why don't I remember anything?(set:$used to true)]
(if:$photo is false)[I look tired.]
There are three draws.
[[Open the top draw]]
[[Open the middle draw]]
[[Open the bottom draw]]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
I searched the pockets of every coat.
There is a five dollar bill, but I think I should leave it. It's probably not mine. At least not I can remember.
There is also a family photo. A man, a woman, and a girl. I don't know any of them though.(set:$photo to true)
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
(if:$key is true)[There is nothing left.]
(if:$key is false and $opened is true)[There is nothing left.]
(if:$key is false and $opened is false)[There is a key here. I don't know what it is for.(set:$key to true)]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
The key doesn't fit. It must be for something else.
[[Try something else->Check the door]]<img src="./keypad.png">
There is a key pad.
It looks odd because the numbers are so spread out. It is almost like I can spell a letter using these buttons.
Is the door controlled electronically?
Maybe I should try some passwords...
[[Try 1234567->wrong code]]
[[Try 7895123->wrong code]]
[[Try 7415369]]
[[Try 852->wrong code]]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]<audio autoplay>
<source src="./fail.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Nothing happened.
Wrong code?
[[Try again ->Look around the door]]
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]<audio autoplay>
<source src="./success.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
It works!
Let's open the door and figure out what's going on!
[[Open the door]]
"Hey dad, why did you try to escape again? You need to have some rest!"
(if:$used is true)[She looks like the little girl in the family photo. She is my daughter?
"What's going on? You are my daughter, but I don't remember you..."
"You had demantia. "
(if:$used is false)[
"Who are you?"
"Oh...not again..."
[[Thanks for playing]]
There's nothing here.
Not much dust on the carpet. Looks like someone has cleaned it recently
[[Go back to the center of the room->Look around the room]]
It's empty.
[[Check other draws->Check the desk]]
It's empty.
[[Check other draws->Check the desk]]
(if:$opened is false)[It's locked.]
(if:$opened is true)[I found the get well card to Henry here. But other than that, nothing is left.]
[[Check other draws->Check the desk]]
(if:$key is true)[ [[Open it with the key]]]
(set:$key to false)
(set:$opened to true)
There is a get well soon card. It says "To Henry" on the top of the card.
[[Check other draws->Check the desk]]
Created by Helen(Lianghui) Zhang for ETEC 540 66A 2022S1-2.
Special thanks to Professor Ernesto Peña for hosting awesome help sections.
Audio by Pixabay.